During the summer in between your sophomore and junior year, you will attend Field Training at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. Field Training is a rigorous boot-camp-style program with 2 to 3 weeks (see note below) of weapons training, survival training, deployment skills, aircraft indoctrination, and physical conditioning. You will also hone your followership, teamwork, and most importantly, your leadership skills. The program is designed to evaluate military leadership and discipline and determine your potential for entry into the Professional Officer Course. Successful completion of Field Training is mandatory for completing the AFROTC program and obtaining a commission in the Air Force or Space Force.
Note: Cadets who have completed AFAS 100 and 200 attend a 2-week Field Training. Those who start the program in their junior year, typically will attend a 3-week Field Training to learn all the academic information covered during the first two years of the program.